Okay, please confess, which one of you two, well fed and indulged kitties turned on the tap in my head?
My nose is running so all I can do is sniff, sneeze or blow my nose.
This is not a fun or fabulous way to spend my Sunday.
Why am I sick and you're both sleeping in the sun????
I tried knitting, but, i needed to blow my nose in the middle of each row!
There is nothing on TV worth watching.
It's days like this I'm reminded that I should hook-up the DVD in the beedroom.
But if I did, how would i decide what to watch?
I don't enjoy watching DVD's on my laptop.
Reading a book didn't help, nor, did flicking through magazines.
Yes, I'm officially miserable!
So, I check my emails and Woo Hoo, it's now officially 'sniffy swap sunday'
I've joined the chocolate swap and secret pal #9,
Together with knitters tea swap 2, I now have 3 swaps to plan for.
Yes, I can plan and blow my nose at the same time, thank-you for asking.
I already have birthday and christmas present boxes in my cupboard, now I'll need a swaps box!
I like to buy things when I see them and not wait until the last minute for my gift shopping.
Hmmmmm, did I keep the box that those dozen bottles of wine were delivered in last week.
Yes, it's under the dining table, time to rescue it from the kitties.