Pearls Mother

Lindy is the mother of two spoilt cats, Pearl Phyllis and Miss Puss. I knit, cross stitch, drink wine, read detective novels and pluck weeds from my garden.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

technology and I

A Standard David Austin 'Glamis Castle' rose
I haven 4 of them along my front fence.

Yes, technology and I are becoming acquainted,
possibly even friends.

When I worked for the large Government Department
There was a fabulous IT section
They all knew and understood that I was 'technologically challenged'
'I rang, they fixed'
It was a happy arrangement.
And, I gifted them with lots of chocolate at christmas,
Yes, it was bribery and it worked.

Now that I have my own laptop
I learn by trial and error
and if in doubt,
I consult Hamish from across the road
(teenage boys make the best computer consultants)

But, all by myself,
I have updated my sidebar,
I have added things
I haven't killed anything.
Hamish will be proud of me!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

yes, there is knitting

'beware of the cats'

this is the 2 ply wool silk mix from Khris at chewy spaghetti
it's soft, yummy, a delight to knit with
and a stunning colour!

I'm knitting a long scarf, it's a birthday present.
It's a simple two row pattern of
right side, knit
wrong side, yo kp2tog,
you need an even number of stitches
it will need to be blocked.

this is Habu alpaca,
yes, we all know that I'm besotted by all yarns made by Habu,
this is a skinny and soft 2ply.
It's from the fabulous Yahaira at pureknits
being the creative girl that I am,
I'm going to save the cones to paint and turn into skittles for Hugo and Oliver.

Friday, October 20, 2006

the fur ball has landed!

1 long haired tabby,
1 trip to the vet,
1 course of anti-biotics
continued use of 'cat lax'
a change of cat food
regular vomitting
an unhappy Miss Puss

all of this in the last week
but this morning,
the dreaded fur ball
which has caused all of the fuss

Happy Mummy.
Happy Miss Puss.
Yes, all is well again at my house!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


these are the pretties received from Khris of chewyspaghetti
3 skeins of hand dyed 2ply wool silk.
the blue is destined to become a long thin lacy scarf for a november birthday gift.
the other skeins are going into my stash!
notice that Miss Puss was closing in for an inspection.

Pearl Phyllis is my blogging assistant
I type, she snoozes
I read, she snores
I scratch her tummy, she rolls over
I have a happy assitant.

Miss Puss conducts an inspection of the yarn,
she will have to learn the mantra of "no yarn for kitties"

two days ago Miss Puss had a visit to the kitty doctor
she had been vomiting, yep, it was a fur ball
after 2 injections,
lots of praise for her beauty and good behaviour from the kitty doctor,
she is happy, healthy, eating lots, not vomiting and taking her anti-biotic pills.
she is such a good girl,
we won't mention the happy kitty scratch marks on the leather chair!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Chocolate swap goodies

Look what my postie delivered!

Goodies from Gretchen my fabulous Chocolate Swap Pal
Wonderful yarn,
Lots of yummy chocolate,
Chai tea,
a tootsie roll pen ( I did have to consult my american neighbour Bert, about what a tootsie roll was)
purple bubble wrap!

I'm so spoilt and I've been having lovely email chats with Gretchen.
It was while reading Gretchen's blog that I fond out about the fabulous Khris and her stunning yarn!

More on Khris and her yarns tomorrow.

I hope that you have all noticed that I have mastered links,
with thanks to my friend Hamish from across the road.
Hey, I'm not silly,
I know that when you need computer assistance or information,
You consult a teenage boy!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

A finished wrap

made with 2 'Be Sweet' magic balls
a fun knit on size 12 mm needles

Blooms in my garden

'Tipsy Imperial Concubine'

David Austin's 'Glamis Castle'

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happiness is ............

a 'red fountain' cordyline
in my front courtyard

two 'be sweet' mystery balls
they will become a wrap
for me!

miss puss enjoying the afternoon sun
and guarding the front door.

coming home to find
that 11 bags of mulch have been delivered.
it's going to be a long, hot aussie summer,
so my garden will need lots of mulch to survive.

receiving an email from my SP9 hostess!
planning my christmas knitting.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Yummy goodies

A little shopping on Ebay.
A 2ply Cashmere from Handmaiden.
It's going to be a scarf for me

I've also been collecting embroidery silk
I'm going to make this fabulous sampler
It's by Dutch designer Jan Houtman.
I suspect that it's going to become a long term project.

And because I've been a good girl
A little Amazon shopping.

I've also been shopping to finalise the goodies for my Chocolate Swap Pal Gretchen
and my secret knitters tea swap pal.
There will be photos of swap packages tomorrow!