Pearls Mother

Lindy is the mother of two spoilt cats, Pearl Phyllis and Miss Puss. I knit, cross stitch, drink wine, read detective novels and pluck weeds from my garden.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

2 hours at the doctors!!

Princess Snotty, yes, that me with the headcold,
spent two hours waiting to see a doctor.

I arrived with a coffee, my ipod and my knitting.

I enjoyed the coffee, the ipod battery died after 40 minutes
I knitted 10 inches of a lace wrap that I'm working on.

Then I saw Dr "How Long Do You want Off Work"?
Not my usual doctor thank goodness.

Time spent in the waiting room ------ 2 hours
Time spent with Doctor ------- 5 minutes.

But the knitting time was good.

Although, I have realised that everything I've knitted
or am knitting for myself this year is Blue.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Ooooooops ......... I'm a bad blogger

Where have I been?
I wish that I could say "Tahiti"
just at home, being lazy with a winter cough.

Pearl Phyllis and Miss Puss say Hi.