Pearls Mother

Lindy is the mother of two spoilt cats, Pearl Phyllis and Miss Puss. I knit, cross stitch, drink wine, read detective novels and pluck weeds from my garden.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I'm a silly old girl!

I confess, I've been in panic mode,
Can I do the new job?
Can I learn everything required?
Can I cope?
the answer to all of these questions is Yes.

I've just finished my first full week on the phones and it's been fine,
well, i was almost hysterical the first day when my computer access went kaput,
but, everything is now ok.
Hey, I'm sensible and I ask questions, what more do I need?????

In the midst of all of this panic and the associated sleepless night there has been knitting,
I can knit during my breaks and lunch,
so there is now 'work knitting', it's another broken rib scarf in alpaca,
and it's another birthday present.

Is 2007 going to be the year when I knit everyone's birthday gifts?
It's looking very likely and all with yarn from my stash.

My friend Sal turns 40 in April, she's going to Spain and Morocco for 5 weeks to celebrate.
I like to do something special for "0" birthdays,
and Yahaira at Pure Knits had some gorgeous hand dyed habu Cashmere in laceweight,
so Sal is getting a scarf for her birthday, here are the first photos.
I love the pattern and the yarn is so soft and yummy.

We've had 2 days of hot, hot, hot weather (over 100 degrees),
the kitties and I don't like hot weather
we love our airconditioning!


  • At 2:16 AM, Blogger mrspao said…

    That is a beautiful scarf. I'm so glad to here the new job is going well :)

  • At 1:40 PM, Blogger Chris said…

    Wow, what a gorgeous scarf!!

    I'm sl glad that you're getting settled in at your job - it IS so anxiety producing to start!

  • At 6:20 AM, Blogger Gretchen said…

    I'm glad the job is going well. My, word, that scarf is lovely! I bet it feels wonderful, too.

  • At 8:27 AM, Blogger Bells said…

    I'm planning on knitting all birthday gifts this year - I'm just wishing everyone I know had birthdays a little more spread out! I'm going to have a quiet second half of the year!

    LOVE the broken rib scarf. I should add that to my list!


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