Pearls Mother

Lindy is the mother of two spoilt cats, Pearl Phyllis and Miss Puss. I knit, cross stitch, drink wine, read detective novels and pluck weeds from my garden.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


A finished object or even two!
A hat and scarf in DK Alpaca from Bendigo Woollen Mills.
The Alpaca was soft and yummy and a delight to knit with.
Tha pattern is a simple 6 row cable.

Here is Peter, the birthday boy, modelling his new hat and scarf.

Now it's time for gorgeous kitty photos.
Today was the coldest November day in 50 years and we got some rain.
So Pearl Phyllis has spent the day in direct line of the heater,
She has snuggled in a ball, stretched to get hot air on her tummy and had a big stretch and yawn.
Yes, it's a tough life being one of my kitties!


  • At 7:04 AM, Blogger mrspao said…

    Oh Pearl, you gorgeous thing, you!

    Great hat and scarf :)

  • At 3:58 AM, Blogger Chris said…

    Lovely hat and scarf - looks like he'll be toasty warm!

    Hee hee - Pearl's pictures are about as different from May's pictures today as they possibly could be.

  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger fudgey said…

    what a lovely scarf and hat set.. and what a handsome mmodel/recipient!!
    i laughed at the kitty pics.. my beetle who could be phyllis's twin would have done EXACTLY the same, it was like looking at my baby on some one elses chair

  • At 1:10 AM, Blogger pethair-xstitcher said…

    Lucky Birthday boy, he looks very proud to be sporting such a cozy and fashionable outfit! Love Alpaca too...
    What a spoiled kittie, yes life is tough...there could have been a belly rub included (lol)


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